Thursday, February 18, 2010


Compliance Systems Corp (COPI) .012 (+166%) bursted yesterday 02-17-2010 on MERGER NEWS-8K Filing

COPI record of multi-day runs is strong... check this 2 1/2 year chart..

Compare STO and RSI with this run and compare to the following periods...

Aug-Sept 07, December 07, Jan 08, Apr-May 08, then came the economic downturn and COPI downtrend... then Apr-May 09, July 09, and now Feb 10...

Slow STO and RSI both show power has started but not overbought.

Since this is great FUNDAMENTAL NEWS, it could be the start of a new uptrend, but most of us longs believe .04 to .05 should be first target.
See the charts inside